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  3. S3NS files application for SecNumCloud certification


Published on 07/15/2024

S3NS, a joint venture set up by Thales and Google Cloud and controlled by Thales, announces that its application to have its trusted cloud solution certified to the SecNumCloud standard has been accepted by France’s national agency for information system security (ANSSI).

With this latest development, S3NS remains on track to deliver on its pledge, announced on 30 June 2022, to provide public institutions and private companies with Google Cloud Platform services certified to SecNumCloud 3.2, which requires a degree of immunity from extraterritorial laws.

The solution will be available to early adopters by the end of 2024. Around 30 S3NS customers have already embarked on this journey, including Matmut, AGPM, Club Med, Thales, Birdz (a subsidiary of Veolia) and B Connect.

France’s national agency for information system security (ANSSI) has accepted S3NS’s application to have its cloud solution SecNumCloud-certified, marking the first milestone (J0) in the official process. S3NS is aiming to obtain certification in summer 2025 once the remaining steps are complete.


« S3NS has consistently delivered on its commitments since its inception in October 2021. This important milestone is yet further evidence of that record. We continue to work closely and effectively with our colleagues at Google Cloud as we aim to put the finishing touches to this solution and make it available to early adopters in December this year. »

S3NS set out its timetable for bringing to market a trusted cloud offering in summer 2022. Achieving the first milestone in the certification process confirms that the solution has reached a high level of maturity and that the development process is at an advanced stage. The solution will be hosted at three data centres in the Paris region, protected by physical and logical security controls, and administered by S3NS, which will continuously review Google Cloud updates.

S3NS also confirms that its trusted cloud solution will be rolled out in December 2024 for the first group of customers, enabling them to migrate their existing applications to the cloud under the “lift and shift” model. These early adopters will also be able to upgrade their legacy systems, develop cloud-native applications that harness the full potential of the cloud, process and analyse very large volumes of data, and explore artificial intelligence (AI) use cases.

S3NS launched “Local Controls by S3NS”, its inaugural offering, in February 2023. This solution, which is not certified to the SecNumCloud standard nor intended to be SecNumCloud-compliant, aims to simplify and automate security operations, build trust and transparency in cloud services, and serve as a stepping stone towards the trusted cloud.

S3NS has also just published its latest white paper to help organisations plan ahead and lay solid foundations for their transition to the trusted cloud.

About S3NS S3NS is an innovative alliance between Thales, a French leader in cybersecurity in Europe, and Google Cloud, a global leader in cloud technology. S3NS aims to provide public institutions and private companies looking to better protect their sensitive data with highly secure public-cloud offerings, enabling them to transition to the ANSSI SecNumCloud-certified trusted cloud. S3NS is a French company controlled by Thales.

Media Relations Manager


Marion Bonnet

Media Relations, Security